Monday, August 27, 2007

The Ultimate Trip: Ok, I'm not starting in Chicago!

Any idea what the first day of school is like? Kind of busy and crazy to say the least. Not that schools don't know what they're doing....that's not it at all. It's just that there are lots of students trying to make sense of their schedule, parents coming in to enter new students, teachers trying to wrap their mind around 150 new students and all that's required for themthe first few days.

And that's the day I happen to be in Chicago! Today is the first day of school for many of the schools around the city. So I'm postponing starting til I get back home later today. I need to respect that schools do not need a visitor on the first day. They don't need a stranger coming in...even one bearing gifts to help their school lives.

So I'll just go out for the the few hours I have left in this beautiful city and enjoy it. I know I'll be back.